Sock-it-to-me Cake

1 pkg. of plain yellow cake mix

2 tbsp. of brown sugar

2 tsp. of cinnamon

1 cup of chopped pecans

1 cup of sour cream

1/3 cup of oil

1/4 cup of water

1/4 cup of sugar

4 eggs

1 tsp. of vanilla

*For the glaze – 1 cup of powdered sugar and 2 tbsp. of milk


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Lightly mist a 10-inch tube pan and dust with flour. Shake out the excess flour. For filling, take 2 tbsp. of cake mix, brown sugar, cinnamon and pecans and mix together. Set aside. Take remaining cake mix, sour cream, oil, eggs, water, sugar and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Blend on low for 1 minutes. Scrap the bowl and mix for another 2 minutes. Batter will be thick. Pour 1/2 in pan. Sprinkle filling mix on. Spoon rest of cake batter over filling. Bake 50-55 minutes until golden brown and cake springs back when pressed on with finger. Remove from oven and cool for 20 minutes. Take the cake from pan and allow to cool another 30 minutes. Mix glaze and pour over right side up cake on top.