
Wanted: Border Collie or German Shepherd puppy. Border Collie/German Shepherd cross is OK. Call 320-290-5156.

Moving sale for canning items. Good condition canning jars in pint and quart size. $3 for a set of 12. Some are regular mouth and others are wide mouth. Call 320-746-2131.

    For Sale: 46″ John Deere 216 Lawn Mower with sprayer and snow blower attachments. Kohler 16hp motor. Runs great. Call 320-333-8381. Asking $1300 – in St. Martin.

For Sale: Lucky dog kennel, 5’x10’x6′ high. Comes with a winter wrap around blanket, tarp covered roof and is reinforced with chicken wire. Dog feeder and dog house included. Asking $500.00. Call 320-290-3072.