
For Sale: New Holland 790 chopper with 824 2-row corn head, in like new condition. Always shedded, chopped less than 40 acres yearly, only 17 acres on completely reconditioned head. Asking $10,000. Also, a Gehl 99 silage

To Give Away: a full sized bed in excellent condition. This includes box and frame. For Sale: blue jeans, great for quilting or rugs. Jeans are in great condition. Different sizes–36 waist and 34 long. Call 320-241-8718.

For Sale: John Deere 3950 forage harvester with 2-row narrow corn head and electric controls, long pole, knifes like new. Call 320-493-0469.

For Sale: Lundell 250 bushel gravity box on 10-ton wagon with 15-foot brush auger, can be changed over to steel flighting, in very good condition. Asking $1850. Call 320-746-2507.

For Sale: new small parts storage drawers; shop built – use for storing small parts (nuts/bolts/nails or whatever) Set of 45 drawers, 2 & 3 compartments and heavy duty. Call 320-250-0352.